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Charles L Butler, Jr – Chief Executive Officer

Charles L Butler, TSO CEOCharles is a former Edison Electric Institute (EEI) Security Committee member, with several years managing an electric power corporate physical security and critical infrastructure protection program. A primary focus was force-multiplying security and operations staff with integrated smart security technology, while achieving improved protective effectiveness.

His 35+ years in law enforcement and industrial security have been largely served in senior leadership positions in the USAF Security Forces, county E911 and the electric power industry; plus, as an executive consultant to organizations in these industries: energy, chemical, water, airports and seaports, dams, telecommunications, aviation, financial, criminal justice, transit and rail transportation infrastructure, space program infrastructure and assets; and military bases with nuclear weapons.

As a USAF Security Forces Officer, Charles commanded large security forces (more than 450 people) responsible for the safeguarding of nuclear weapons, hazardous materials, storage facilities and associated convoys and transport aircraft.   He developed and tested air base ground defense plans aimed at protecting air bases and their nuclear weapon systems from attack by terrorists and enemy special forces.

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An example of his success Captain Butler guided a 130-person shift and a 30-person back-up force in thwarting a simulated multipronged attack area denial exercise in a nuclear weapons storage area during a Defense Nuclear Agency (DNA) inspection by the U.S. Department of Defense.  This performance directly contributed to the "excellent" ratings awarded to the base security forces unit by the DNA inspection team.

Mr. Butler has been certified as USAF Nuclear Security Forces Commander and USAF Nuclear Security Forces Convoy Commander. 

At The Security Oracle, Inc., he has designed and implemented the World’s first artificial intelligence driven Remotely Controlled Active Defense and Denial System (RCADS®). Beginning in 2014, Charles collaborated with Dr. Samuel M Smith and The Security Oracle’s technology team in engineering an automated reasoning driven physical protection system for critical infrastructure that has moved the old best practices of “Detect, Delay & Respond” to “Detect, Engage & Neutralize (Safely).”

Charles oversees the implementation of performance-based security risk assessment and design methods and state-of-the-art security technology and training. Included is a complete end-to-end solution per NERC CIP-014 for the security of electric power transmission substations, as presented to FERC and EEI.

Mr. Butler holds “train-the-trainer” certifications in Sandia National Laboratories’ Risk Assessment Methodologies for Chemical Facilities and Communities (RAM-CF and RAM-C), plus RAM-W for water systems.

Representative organizations he served in leading positions: TECO Energy/Emera, Progress Energy, New York Power Authority, Lakeland Electric, Amtrak (projects > $55 million), Samtrans, Caltrain, COTA, Miami-Dade County,

The Mosaic Company, PortMiami, Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport, Tampa Bay Water, US Pentagon, US Space Command, Qtel and Qatar Petroleum.

Contact Charles L. Butler, CEO


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