The Security Oracle's Advisory Board

Anna M Wang
Business Intelligence, PowerGrid Cyber and Physical Security
Anna has over 30 years of process control system security design, energy and telecom regulatory compliance, audit, asset management, business continuity, data warehousing, change and configuration management, security policy design and development, process control and continuous improvement.

Tim Z Cole, PE
Professional Engineer (PE), PowerGrid Infrastructure Resilience
Tim has over 40 years of electric utility operations engineering and senior management, energy regulatory compliance, audit, transmission real-time operations, business continuity, change and configuration management, security policy design and development, process control and continuous improvement.

Samuel Smith, PhD
Artificial Intelligence and Systems Engineering
Dr. Smith’s forte is to understand and to solve problems both technical and business using a holistic systems design approach. He has developed expertise in systems using machine intelligence to build very cost efficient and highly performant active physical security protection systems.

James P Fama
PowerGrid Industry Executive, Cyber and Physical Security, Resilience, Law
Jim Fama consults on electric utility cyber & physical security, business continuity, resilience, reliability, and governmental matters. As VP, Energy Delivery for Edison Electric Institute (EEI), led the industry in creating 3 nationwide resilience programs: Cyber, National Response Event, and Spare Transformer.

James T Fairbanks
Security Technology Integration Sales and Marketing, Contract Management
James is a Senior Executive with strong entrepreneurial skills who has demonstrated his ability to exceed company objectives as well as create and sustain strong relationships with customers, partners, and employees. His passion for growing a business to the next level is well established in businesses ranging from start-ups to billion-dollar corporations.

Richard Seaman
FAA Liaison, Airspace Regulation and Utilization (RE: TSO Robots and Drones)
For 30 years, Richard is a certified Executive Coach and has worked for the Federal Aviation Administration. He began as an Air Traffic Controller and then managed both training and operations on many levels. Upon retirement, he founded Beacon Leadership Development with passion for helping folks better understand leadership and relationships.

Patricia Schmitt, CPP
President & CEO at Frontrunner Protective Services
Patty applied her specialized knowledge and innovative prowess in developing the RCADS® Control Center training and certification program; subsequently, overseeing the launch and daily remote operation of TSO’s Robots in the Sky®. Her professionalism and ability to deliver high quality services at an affordable cost is recognized throughout the security industry.

Thomas F Reese II
Big Data and AI Applications
Thomas is a dynamic, innovative, results-driven technology leader with over 25 years’ success leading information technology transformational change, business process improvement, creation of enterprise data warehouse (EDW) architectures, business intelligence (BI) platforms, and data management initiatives for high-growth organizations.

Tommy D Brown
Tommy has both bachelors and masters degrees in Manufacturing Engineering. He holds certifications in Production and Inventory Management, Change Management, and Six Sigma as a Black Belt. He has been a keynote speaker at multiple sheet metal fabrication industry conferences and was recognized for both cost and quality improvements.

Lloyd P Uliana
Security Industry Liaison
After 20 years of career achievements with Bosch Security, Lloyd is lending his talents as The Security Oracle’s Liaison and now works with the visionary, problem-solving team to gain market acceptance as TSO reveals the Holy Grail of Security, RCADS®, Remotely Controlled Active Defense and Denial System, aka Robots in the Sky®.