The Carlisle & Finch Co.
Kay Kimball
President, The Security Oracle, Inc.
Dear Ms. Kimball,
I was impressed by the presentation that The Security Oracle, Inc. (TSO) presented to the Carlisle & Finch Management Team on October 12, 2017. Carlisle & Finch Searchlights have been used for commercial tugs, ferries, freighters, etc., the U.S. Navy and U.S. Coast Guard, many Foreign Militaries across the world, as well as U.S. State and Federal Prison System.
Carlisle & Finch is glad that TSO is using TSO’s artificial intelligence coordinator in the integration of our commercial Searchlights into TSO’s security appliance, RCADS® with high density IP addressable daytime and night vision cameras, and IR illuminators, and other non-lethal actuators for remote command and control centers.
The Customs-Trade Partnership against Terrorism, which was enacted by the U.S. Customs and Border Protection, began as a response to Congress documented weaknesses in port security and general concern about U.S. food and material supply chain. TSO’s Defense-in-depth best practices for securing borders, transforming physical security from passive detection to real-time situational awareness and accelerated response to demobilize intruders with non-lethal actuators, i.e. directed high intensity sound, lights, and strobes is a world changing idea. A thorough check of millions of shipping containers would leave too much room for error as evidenced in the TSA process of airport safety screening, not to mention a slowdown in the vital economic areas of trade and shipping.TSO’s autonomously tracks, targets and neutralizes adversaries miles out from the protected areas and video analytics can solve this major deficiencies of port security.
Carlisle & Finch believes TSO's disruptive robotic solution, RCADS® (Remotely Controlled Active Defense and Denial System/ Robots in the Sky®) empowers DHS agents to dynamically reconfigure access control and emergency communications systems to adapt to new security threats in sub-second response time will significantly enhances DHS agents’ capabilities for border control by providing them with the tools and capabilities to identify, assess and prioritize, develop response plans, monitor and report risk at a fraction of the cost of constructing “aesthetically pleasing” and “physically imposing” border walls.
Carlisle & Finch takes pride in our customer-focused business approach, together with TSO, Carlisle & Finch will support clients through specialized consulting services--guiding customers through the implementation process, communicating with those involved in risk management, asset planning, and physical security to ensure that implementation is completed and any issues are resolved so client can be successful utilizing the integrated solution.
We believe this best of breed integrated artificial intelligence (AI) solution shall effectively strengthen border control and stemming the flow of illegal drugs and immigrants while reducing the cost of labor-intensive processes of seizing land from private landowners along the 1,954-mile border in Texas to build a wall that is opposed by congressional delegates - making security investment resilient.
Garth S. Finch
Senior Vice President
The Carlisle & Finch Co.
* signature on file